









常熟兴华港口有限公司 土木造价工程师 1 本科(相关专业) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 职责描述: 1、负责港口航道工程的技术管理; 2、本岗位隶属于工程部,要求协同部门完成港口设施建设及相关改造及监督工程进展。 3、能熟练运用造价软件对工程实施进行预估,配合公司施工监工。 任职要求: 1、港口航道与海岸工程、土木造价,土木工程专业; 2、持有中级或以上职称证书优先; 3、本科及以上学历,有多年土木工程工作经验。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 IT信息技术员 1 本科(相关专业) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 职位内容: 1.负责公司计算机软件硬件的日常安装维护及IT机房服务器和网络设备的运维; 2.优化网络系统,维护公司网站信息; 3.配合领导完成其他相关工作安排。 职位要求: 1.责任心强,吃苦耐劳,善于沟通,能适应港口室内外协调工作; 2.本科学历,欢迎计算机专业应届实习; 3.对计算机软件硬件了解,维护系统熟练。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 行政文员 1 本科(文秘相关专业) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 职位描述: 1.公文写作能力好; 2.能熟练操作PPT等办公软件; 3.完成领导安排的其他事务。 职务要求: 1、本科及以上学历,党员优先; 2、一年及以上文案相关工作经验,,英语流利,新闻学优先考虑; 3、工作细致、认真、有责任心,较强的文字撰写能力,具有良好的沟通协调以及语言表达能力。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 商务助理 1 本科(集装箱、物流专业) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 职位描述: 1.对港口船舶进出进行信息追踪; 2.与客户进行协商沟通确认订单情况; 3.与港口外轮工作人员能沟通无障碍,及时做出协调。 职位要求: 1.本科学历,男性优先; 2.物流相关专业; 3.英语4级以上,口语流利; 4.有较强的沟通能力及学习能力; 5.有港口集装箱调度或销售、业务开发经历者优先,部分时间需要至现场进行协调作业。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 2023届港口现场管理培训生 10 中专及以上学历 3K 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 职责描述: 1.熟悉港口各部门相关内容和操作流程,学习港口管理工作; 2.作为储备人才进行管理。 职位要求: 1.2023届实习生(物流、港口相关专业) 2.具有一定沟通协作能力与服务意识。能吃苦耐劳,具有上进心。 3.实习期白班,后期毕业后需要进行轮班两天白班两天夜班休息两天。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 叉车、流动机械维修技术员 2 中专及以上(有经验者优先) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 岗位描述 1.对港口4.7.12吨位叉车进行维修保养;熟悉叉车等车辆故障并能及时处理故障。维修港口流动式机械设备,如港口门机、桥吊、行车等相关设备; 2.解决设备运行过程中出现的各种问题,协助部门处理相应紧急事件; 3.及时高效地诊断并解决生产设备故障,保证生产的顺利进行并做到预防为主。 岗位要求 1.内燃机械设备维修经验者及会维修大型设备经验; 2.工作责任心、主动性强,具有较好的学习和沟通能力; 3.具有焊工证,叉车操作证,钳工证等相关证件(优先考虑) 4.40周岁以下,能适应倒班; 5.应届毕业生肯吃苦耐劳,有上进心,在碧溪附近优先考虑。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 安全监督员 1 大专及以上学历(有相关经验优先) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 岗位职责 1.组织或参与码头安全生产教育和培训,如实记录安全生产教育和培训情况; 2.督促码头的安全生产状况,及时排查生产安全事故隐患,提出改进安全生产管理的建议,督促落实码头安全整改措施; 3.完成上级领导交代的其他任务。 岗位要求 1.工作责任心强,吃苦耐劳,无不良记录; 2.熟悉港口相关安全制度,熟悉港口安全操作规程,应急预案相关内容。熟悉现场安全管理,隐患排查等相关工作; 3.安排员工进行安全教育等相关培训; 4.有安全管理经验的优先。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 中控调度员 1 大专及以上学历(有相关经验优先) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 职位描述: 1.对工作计划进行落实安排; 2.远程调控现场,了解船舶进出港口信息; 3.及时对港口现场人员设备进行调度,保证港口工作有秩序的完成。 职位要求: 1、大专及以上学历,有相关远程协调工作经验优先; 2、工作责任心强,具有团队合作精神; 3、家住碧溪附近者优先考虑; 4、应届毕业(本科)机灵好学能力强优先考虑。 江苏省常熟
常熟兴华港口有限公司 港口设备驾驶员 5 初中及以上(有多年经验可面谈) 4k 0512-52696005 li.chen@xinghuaport.com 职责描述: 1.操作门座式起重机、正面吊、汽吊、行车、龙门吊进行货物吊装作业; 2.有证无经验者公司可培养; 3.遵守操作守则,正确对货物进行起吊。 职位要求: 1.遵纪守法,无不良记录,无事故; 2.持有门座式起重机证、流动式起重机、桥门式起重机操作证(在有效期内),熟练工薪资面议。 3.要求:40岁以下。 4.能适应轮班。 江苏省常熟
日比野铸件(常熟)有限公司 铸造工程师 5 大专及以上学历,机械类专业 8000 18913666880 hr-ch@hibino-cn.com 负责新品试作,解决生产中的技术问题,通过优化模具不合理结构、改善铸造工艺,提高生产效率、不断提高铸件品质 江苏省常熟
日比野铸件(常熟)有限公司 铸造质量工程师 2 大专及以上学历,机械类专业 8000 18913666880 hr-ch@hibino-cn.com 擅长铝合金压铸件的质量管理 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Business Support, Sales & Supply Chain/销售支持 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are? 1.You have bachelor’s degree or equivalent. 2.You have strong customer service mindset. 3.You have good social and communication skills. 4.You are eager to learn and develop yourself. 5.You are proactive and have a sense of responsibility. 6.You are fluent in Chinese and English. What you will do? 1.You will be responsible for following UPM global systems: Moveit, GMES, COL, Sellit, DM, PlanIT cubes for above mentioned systems 2.You also be given opportunity to be responsible in Digitalization project. 3.You need to support of users through Key user network in process and functionality related questions. 4.You need to handle IT Ticket and monitoring for the own assignment group (Business Support Logistic or Sales). 5.You as a Business Support assures collaboration (communication, knowledge transfer, RFC proposal discussions and Incident management) with ENA BS team and between Key users of Supply Chain applications on APAC level. 6.You required to do data maintenance activities in Supply chain system 7.You as a Business Support Sales participates in projects in Supply Chain area. 8.You need to be cooperative with Sales companies, Mills, SC Service Centres and relevant contacts in supply chain 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 供应链实习生/Supply Chain Intern 1 不限 22-23/小时 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • Minimum bachelor’s degree or equivalent. • Willingness to get involved and pro-actively complete multiple activities with limited supervision • Good communication skills, able to understand and work with users from all departments • Good English and Chinese language skills • Skilled in operating in Microsoft tools etc. What you’ll do • Develop tools and techniques to improve Supply Chain processes • Explore and implement new digital solutions and develop dashboards. • Collaborate on other digitalization programs including •Gather information, data analysis, problem solving and presentation •Design process maps, workflows and user stories for various workstreams involved in the projects • Other duties assigned 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Lab Technician/实验室技术员 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • Minimum bachelor’s degree or equivalent. • Willingness to get involved and pro-actively complete multiple activities with limited supervision • Good communication skills, able to understand and work with users from all departments • Good English and Chinese language skills • Skilled in operating in Microsoft tools etc. What you’ll do • Offer reliable results for research team by good laboratory skills. • Understand and strictly follow the operation and maintenance of equipments and related standard methods. • Make good recording of laboratory work and honest reporting of the results. Report any abnormity and nonconformity. • Contribute to lab management and Asia Research and Development Center standard methods development, follow ISO17025, EHS and 5S management. • Provide suggestions on lab management and development. • Build up good teamwork with engineers and technicians. 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Product Development Engineer/Chemist, F&S SBU 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are ·Minimum bachelor’s degree or equivalent. ·Willingness to get involved and pro-actively complete multiple activities with limited supervision ·Good communication skills, able to understand and work with users from all departments ·Good English and Chinese language skills ·Skilled in operating in Microsoft tools etc. ·You have project management skill especially NPD project handling. ·You are able to convert business needs to product CTQs ·You have good communication skill, working under global networking ·You have good skill of problem solving, project planning and decision making ·You are good in written and oral English What you will do ·Lead new product development projects under SBUs’ strategy to support segment AV growth & SmartSpend programs. ·Product application development and Adhesive development to achieve business and strategy needs in APAC Region. ·Lead product transfer project via collaborating with global team ·Make active product renewal plan to continually improve product competence aligned with SBUs. ·Product benchmarking study and product technology supporting to customer and end user projects. ·Problem solving of product application internally or externally by product improvement or updating. ·Follow technology developments and trends for adhesives, label converting, labelling and packaged goods 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 (Senior) Engineer, Product Development, Papers 1 本科 10k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have a bachelor’s degree in pulping and paper making or printing equivalent • You have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in paper making or printing or packaging industry, preferably in pressure sensitive lamination development • You have project management skills, especially New Product Development project handling • You have good communication skills, working under global networking • You have good skill of problem solving and decision making • You are good at Chinese and English • You are willing to travel (Domestic and International) What you’ll do • Act as tech component owner of the papers • Lead product development projects to support the regional business strategy by qualifying the new papers or renewal the papers in our products • Lead product transfer projects via collaborating with global team and regional team • Support technology the customer and end user projects • Work closely with reginal team to do the trouble shooting or continuous improvement of paper related • Follow technology developments and trends in labeling and packaging industry 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Senior Specialist, Sales & Supply Planning 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are: •You have bachelor degree on papermaking or analytical chemistry related major. •You have 3+ years papermaking or analytical chemistry or printing related experience. •You have knowledge of systematic problem-solving techniques and capability; good at trial planning and result handling. •You have knowledge of systematic research process and applicable methodology. •You have knowledge of raw materials used in various paper grades and how raw materials are affecting on paper properties and environmental performance. •You have papermaking technology project management skills is an advantage. •You are self-driven, innovative and have service mind-set. • You have fluent spoken and written English What you’ll do ·Plan Specialty Papers APAC sales volumes and develop forecasting process (e.g., process improvement, statistical modelling) ·Contribute to sales and profitability steering according to agreed strategy ·Analyse and draft plans to maintain demand-supply balance ·Support Specialty Papers APAC sales volume allocation management and relevant communication ·Develop and refine scenario planning methodology ·Support in multinational account and/or cross-SBU coordination ·Contribute to the development of CRM processes and tools ·Contribute to local digitalization development in sales functions 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 产品开发实习生 1 本科 22-23/小时 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: •本科学历及以上 •高分子或者造纸印刷专业 •英语四级及以上 您的主要工作内容: •马来西亚和常熟之间的一些测试跟踪和跟进 •原材TDS整理和汇总 •辅助部门搭建一些实验室测试模板或者应用模拟测试方法标准化 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 设施工程师 1 不限 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: 1. 大专及以上学历,电气或机械相关专业 2. 3年以上机械或仪电维修经验 3. 具有项目管理经验 您的主要工作内容: • 厂内消防设施的日常管理,并执行相关的管理工作及维修协调工作; • 相关年度预算费用计划定期跟踪与汇报,并管控现场工作按计划实施; • 有效的完成来自政府或第三方机构检查整改工作; • 学会使用SAP系统操作,处理来自相关工作中心的维护工作; • 承包商的现场管理及施工安全管理,协调项目按计划进行,确保项目质量满足标准; • 负责协调UPM常熟工厂各区域特种设备的(压力容器、锅(油)炉、工业管道)的周期检验工作;并完善特种设备台账信息及相关资料管理。 • 配合企业与外部机构市场监督管理局与特种设备检验检查研究院的工作事务; 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Development Chemist, Water Base Adhesives/水胶产品开发化学家 1 本科 10k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are : • You have bachelor’s degree in Chemistry or Engineering equivalent • You have minimum 2 years’ experience in labelling and packaging industry, preferably in pressure sensitive lamination development, adhesive development, or adhesive scaling up • You have project management skill especially NPD project handling • You have good communication skill, working under global networking • You have good skill of problem solving and decision making • You are good at Chinese and English • You are willing to travel (Domestic and International)What you’ll do: • Act as tech component owner of the water base adhesives • Lead product development to support the regional business strategy • Design and carry out water base adhesives formulation experiment, pilot, production and application • Work closely with reginal team to do the trouble shooting or continuous improvement of water base adhesives related • Conduct hands on approach to research and develop • Work closely with global adhesive expert team to carry out the adhesives development strategy 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 机械实习生 1 本科 22-23/小时 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: • 本科学历,机械专业 • 工作用英语,有阅读和书写能力即可 • 积极主动 您的主要工作内容: • 绘制简单机械图纸 • 参与机械故障排除的讨论 • 参与机械资料整理 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 电厂机械维修工程师 1 大专 5k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: 1. 机械或机电一体化相关专业大专学历 2. 2年以上现场机械维修工作经验。 您的主要工作内容: 对电厂水处理设备、锅炉区域设备、脱硫区域等设备进行维护和保养 • 跟踪设备运行情况和维修情况,计划设备维修和保养的时间和周期 • 善于沟通和总结,把维修中发现的问题可以和别人交流(书面或口头) • 积极完成安排的工作,有问题及时向上级主管报告。 • 严格执行工厂安全生产及设备安全维护规定。 • 积极主动做好车间及设备的清洁保养工作。 • 针对设备的缺陷,提出合理化建议。 • 使用电脑记录工作,查找各种资料,熟悉维修流程。 • 学会使用SAP系统操作。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 仪电工程师 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 1. 本科学历,电气或者自动化相关专业 2. 2年以上电气相关工作经验,或优秀应届生 3. 熟悉马达、变频器、传感器、MCC配电 4. 了解西门子PLC 5. 英语四级 你的主要工作内容 • 执行上级主管安排的日常维修保养内容和计划,及时反馈执行结果并做好相应的记录。对执行中所发现的问题提出合理的改善建议。 • 解决工厂设备电气故障,主要有电机,供电,变频器等设备,并向上级主管提出改进意见 • 执行维修电气相关维修计划 • 定时巡视生产设备,并做好巡检记录,及时向上级主管反馈巡检结果 • 定期参加电气维修作业指导的培训,理解并严格执行,提出合理化建议 • 参与新进设备的风险评估,以及老设备风险评估的定期更新 • 确保日常维修保养工作的有效实施,信息记录和反馈。 • 提供对设备的技改及安装项目电气方面的支持,确保项目的顺利完成 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Mechanical Engineer\机械工程师 1 本科 10k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have bachelor’s degree or corresponding qualification • You have 3 years of mechanical maintenance and design experience • You have good English in writing and speaking • You have English language level 4 What you will do: • Support daily equipment maintenance • Collaborate with other functions and teams to solve the mechanical breakdown and give improvement proposals • Design and engineering of the mechanical parts, as well as the manufacturing follow-ups • Cooperate with project team regarding the design, manufacturing, installation and measurement work from mechanical side for the local investment or MOP projects • Participate in making mechanical maintenance instructions for the new equipment and organize regular SOP updating for the existing equipment, as well as the internal team training • Participate in risk assessment of the new equipment, and regular updating for the existing equipment, propose necessary improvements based on the risk assessment results • Skillful using of SAP PM system, ensure maintenance with high efficiency, information record and feedback. • Give continuous improvement proposals for the older equipment, and implement proposals through project or daily improvements efforts 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 纸机操作员 1 中专 5k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: 1. 中专及以上学历 2. 基本的电脑操作技能 3. 可适应轮班工作(四班三轮) 您的工作内容: 您的主要工作内容: • 按照生产计划及生产品质目标,控制纸机制程,并与纸机及后段团队协调合作。 • 生产车速、纸机操作及干扰故障情况的控制。 • 处理复卷操作相关工作。 • 负责日常维修保养工作,保持他/她的工作区域的干净整洁。正确处理工作范围内的回炉,确保所有回炉正确分配。 • 培训新入职员工的需知。 • 负责区域报告。 • 纸机停机和大停机援助。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 仓库叉车操作员 1 中专 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: 1. 中专及以上学历 2. 基本的电脑操作技能 3. 可适应轮班工作(四班三轮) 4. 熟练驾驶叉车,持有叉车证 您的工作内容有: ·你负责的工作是: ·成品的入库和交运 ·日常的设备检查 ·日常的5S ·集装箱货物加固 ·跟据指令转定单 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 整理生产部操作员 1 初中 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: 1. 中专及以上学历 2. 基本的电脑操作技能 3. 可适应轮班工作(四班三轮) 您的主要工作内容: • 根据生产计划,品质要求和生产目标操作整理区域工艺设备,完成工作 • 完成当班分配的指定工作,及相关的报告 • 协助停机工作及开机工作 • 负责确保遵守公司环境、质量、安全体系的各项指导方针 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 R&D Trainee/研发培训生 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have a master degree, major in polymer, chemistry or relevant. • You have 1-2 years of working experiences with analytical chemistry or polymer experiment will be plus point. • You have good understanding of polymerization, material application, chemical analysis • You are highly motivated, self-driven, and open-minded • You are capable of accomplishing tasks and projects in a limited supervision environment. • You are fluent in English. What you’ll do • Well understanding of polymer related knowledge like polymerization reaction, chemistry analysis and polymer application. • Being able to initiate the new ideas and work independently on research/new test method by good understanding of business demand with systematic methodology. • Being familiar with polymerization process, analytical instruments such as FTIR, DSC, GPC, GC/HPLC-MS, etc. To offer reliable results with systematic analysis conclusion for research team by good laboratory hands-on skills. • Understanding of and strictly following the operation and maintenance of equipment and related standard methods. Good recording of laboratory work and honest reporting of the results. Reporting of any abnormity and nonconformity. Continued improvement of the customer’s satisfaction. • Contribute to lab management: contribution to lab operation team competence build-up and development, following ISO17025, EHS and 5S management. 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Logistics Specialist 1 不限 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have post-secondary level diploma or higher corresponding knowledge. • You have over 2 years related working experience. • You have fluent English skill and familiar with Microsoft Office software • You have a clear and strong service mind-set. • You can adapt to different situations flexible. • You are proactive and achievement orientation. • You have good communication skills & systematic thinking. • You are willing to work as a team player, also work independently. What you will do • Prepare shipping forecast as per delivery instruction and make logistics plan in Move-it system • Follow up the implementation of logistics planning • Arrange sample delivery service according to instruction • Cooperate with relevant dept. and service providers to support sales • Take care of logistics cost during planning making • Minimize leftover • Monitor and report service level of service providers • Make analysis for delivery if needed and support logistics documentation handling • Other tasks arranged by supervisors 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Senior Specialist, Sales & Supply Planning 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have a bachelor or above degree in sales, business administration, operations management, papermaking technology, finance / accounting, or corresponding knowledge • You have at least five years working experience in sales, customer service, planning, accounting, or other relevant positions involving internal and external interactions; experience in several fields / functions will be advantageous • You have good knowledge of UPM business, products and service offering • You must have good analytical and communication skills • You have hands-on experience in Excel, BI solutions; Python / VBA / data analysis competence will be advantageous • You have good understanding of business background, customer delivery requirements and logistics networking will be advantageous • You are a team player and able to work in matrix • You have good command in both oral and written English and Chinese; other language skills are an asset What you’ll do • Plan Specialty Papers APAC sales volumes and develop forecasting process (e.g., process improvement, statistical modelling) • Contribute to sales and profitability steering according to agreed strategy • Analyse and draft plans to maintain demand-supply balance • Support Specialty Papers APAC sales volume allocation management and relevant communication • Develop and refine scenario planning methodology • Support in multinational account and/or cross-SBU coordination • Contribute to the development of CRM processes and tools • Contribute to local digitalization development in sales functions 上海市,江苏省上海市,常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Customer Service Specialist/客户服务专员 1 大专 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: · 大专及以上学历。 · 1年以上的订单管理/客服/物流相关工作经验,也欢迎优秀应届毕业生。 · 英语听说读写熟练。 · 良好的客户服务理念,能够灵活适应变化的客户需求。 · 积极主动,良好的社交和沟通能力。 · 喜欢团队合作,喜欢和他们一起学习发展。 您的主要工作内容: · 全面负责国内外订单管理,包括订单输入、确认、跟进、取消和查询处理。 · 履行客户合同和相关文档。 · 预估库存水平以供进一步配给。 · 根据交货期准备航运预测,并在系统中制定物流计划。 · 处理发票,在返利处理和应收账款跟踪等等事项,为财务和销售提供支持。 · 支持销售关于客户信息的收集,并支持技术销售关于客诉处理。 · 和全球供应链同事一起参与供应链发展及流程优化项目。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 日班化学品操作员 1 不限 5k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: • 中专及以上学历 • 基本的电脑操作技能 • 了解纸机生产过程的物料使用 • 叉车操作和危化品操作证件齐全 您负责的工作是: • 安全任务和指标完成,执行区域 安全查检和异常报告。 • 在供应商货物到达工厂后,负责化学品的装卸。 • 负责现场化学品的准备,确保纸机物料使用正常。 • 负责化学品供料设备和管线的日常查检,发现问题向相关人员汇报。 • 确保化学品以正确的方式存储,并且保持化学品区域的充分清洁。 • 同纸机日班操作员一起处理其他的原物料或耗材的运输及管理。 • 负责日常的原物料和货物盘点和统计工作。 • 当纸机停机时,根据需要提供支持和帮助。 • 责任区域的环境卫生管理工作执行到位。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 PM3 Production Trainee/PM3生产培训生 1 本科 8k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are: • You have university degree or above (e.g.: Papermaking or chemical engineering). • You have good communication skill and be initiative to learn from trainer/colleagues. • You have open mindset and easy to co-operate, teamwork. • You are good at reading and writing in English, CET level 6. What you’ll do: • Participate production safety management. • Grasp paper making process for glassine, fine paper and other specialty grades. • Participate PM line shift work for certain period to learn paper machine, supercalender, winder operation and quality control, understand their working principle. • Join relevant department meeting to learn daily operation management, shut down work planning. • Visiting customer together with mill TCS people to learn customer application and customer requirement to our paper quality. • Participate production daily trouble shooting and promote own trouble shooting capability. • Production management tools learning and usage like GMES, DCS, MCS, QCS, Procemex etc. • Participate “Continuous Improvement Project” or “Minor Operative Project” and support documentation work. 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 暖通工程师 1 不限 6k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: 1. 本科学历,供暖与通风工程,建筑环境与设备工程,建筑环境与能源应用工程专业 2. 2年以上工作经验, 或优秀的应届生 3. 英语四级 您负责的工作是: • 冷冻机的日常跟踪 (各种重要数据记录),冷却塔运转跟踪(冷却水添加及置换) • 各设备运转情况跟踪及时汇总做好保养工作 • 冷冻机房滤网压差跟踪及进更换二道滤网。 • 记录CV温湿度和及时调整,及时清洁出风口灰尘 (CV)跟踪办公室空调运行。 • 根据天气情况调整冷 冻机,清洗 热交换器表层。 • 发现重大问题及时联系冷冻机供应商, 水问题能解决的自己完成。 • 定期更换风机滤网及化学过滤器,定期检查风机运转情况及时维修。跟踪MCC室管道滴漏情况及时维修 • 主管安排的其他事项 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 财务实习生 1 本科 22-23/小时 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: •本科及以上学历 •财税相关专业或计算机信息管理专业 •英语六级及以上 您的主要工作内容: •协助财务分析 •财务凭证、发票等的整理装订及归档 •员工报销单的审阅及记账 •中国及亚太地区发票的扫描录入 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 HR Specialist 1 本科 6k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have at least a bachelor’s degree • You have 1 year professional experience in HR in multi-national manufacturing companies, new university graduate with excellent learning agility is also welcomed • You have good cultural agility, great communication skills, with good language skills in Chinese and English • You have strong commitment to process and quality development, with good learning agility • You have good MS office skills and analytical skills • You do things accurately and pay attention to details • You have flexibility and willingness to undertake a wide variety of agile tasks What you will do • Take care of overall recruitment activities, including job requisition track and approval in HR system OurWorkday, job advertisement publication, CV screening, phone pre-screening, interview arrangement and support, medical check, background check, on boarding coordination etc. • Support recruitment projects, e.g.: campus program, etc. • Join job fair and other recruitment promotion activities • Collect talent market information and further develop UPM recruitment channels in China and APAC • Provide fundamental support in learning function such as course admin support, data maintenance, and reporting etc. • Participate in additional HR projects and initiatives • Prepare HR report and analysis per needs. • Build good cooperation with all internal stakeholders and external partners to make sure high-quality services. 上海市,江苏省上海市,常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 叉车操作员 1 中专 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望你具备 • 高中及以上学历。 • 最少两年仓库工作经验。 • 会驾驶叉车并有叉车证。 你的主要工作内容是 安全 • 确保本人的操作符合安全规则 • 观察其他员工的操作,及时阻止不安全行为。 • 每月参加轮班安全会议,分享安全知识和经验。 • 及时汇报所有安全事故,未遂事故及危险性行为, 并提出合理建议。 • 发现工作区域的风险环节,并提出消除或降低的合理建议 • 确保自己工作区域5s。 • 完成公司制定的安全目标 物料操作 • 发货-确保所有要发货的产品已使用正确的包装,标示,合理地装箱并及时发运。 发现的任何不符,立即向发货专员及分切计划员汇报。 库存管理 • 管理成品库存,确保成品有清晰的标示,正确的包装,安全有序地存储在合适的位置。 • 执行每月/年底的盘点。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 高级电气技术员 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备 • 电气或自动化相关专业本科学历 • 2年及以上电气相关工作经验,优秀应届生亦可 • 低压电工证及操作证 • 大学英语4级 您的工作内容是: • 制定和定期回顾SAP PM系统中有关电气设备,设施的日常维护保养内容,和保养计划,同时确保计划的严格执行。 • 制定和定期回顾电气设备,设施(包括新进设备和设施)的维修作业指导书,对班组成员进行定期的培训和考核,确保维修作业标准的执行。 • 完成工厂电气设备,设施(包括新进设备和设施)的维修风险评估,根据实际情况定期更新。对风险评估所得到的结果针对性的加以改善,将维修风险降低到可控水平。 • 以SAP PM维修保养软件为核心,系统性地开展电气设备,设施的日常维修保养工作。确保所有的电气维修保养工作有记录,有反馈信息,有据可查,可追溯;基于SAP PM的报告系统,月度回顾和分析电气维修状况,总结出改善措施,确保电气维修保养工作的持续改善。 • 快速及时地维修工厂生产设备,设施的各种电气故障,减少对日常生产的影响。 • 执行On-call 流程,确保电气设备,设施故障在第一时间得到有效处理,减少设备故障停机时间。 • 协助电气维修团队的年度培训计划的制定,通过各项培训和实际操作,稳步提高班组的电气维修能力。 • 在日常工作中严格遵守国家的安全生产法律法规和UPM的安全管理标准,避免风险事故的发生。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Sales Representative/销售代表 1 本科 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are? • You have staying curious and passionate about knowing people and doing business • You have good interpersonal skills, and teamwork attitude. • You have good in written and verbal communication in both Chinese and English. • Your have experience in similar paper industry is an advantage. • You have bachelor’s degree. • You have willingness to travel. What you will do • To implement business strategy and achieve sales target of assigned product lines and areas; • To visit existing and new customers, assesses customer needs, improve brand and product awareness, and suggest appropriate products and services; • To establish sales plans and schedule own activities; • To identify, research, and contact prospective customers and build and maintain positive relationships to generate future sales and repeat business; • To provide business information and insights of local market; • To coordinate with other teams to ensure the efficient and effective sales processes being implemented.
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 HV Electrical Engineer/高压电气工程师 1 大专 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: 1. 大专及以上学历,电气相关专业 2. 1~3年高压电气相关工作经验 3. 良好的电气维修技术和故障分析能力 您的主要工作内容: •工厂高压电气系统日常维护(变压器/开关柜/变电站)。 •高压电气系统维护计划开发。 •重要Mcc设备维护和故障解决。 •配电保护系统的维护。 •高压电气系统文档管理。 •维修和安全方面作业指导书制定。 •支持其他项目的电气系统实施。 •仪电主管交办的其他任务。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Project Engineer/项目工程师 1 本科 9k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: • 您拥有本科学历或相应资格 • 您有1-3年项目管理经验,具备基本的项目管理知识 • 您能熟练使用MS office 工具和AutoCAD • 您是一个团队合作者,并且愿意在必要时发挥领导作用 您的主要工作内容: • 作为项目经理领导和协调项目工作,完成项目目标 • 作为项目组的成员,担任项目协调员,为项目经理提供支持 • 在项目立项前期,与相关部门一起参与可行性研究 • 开发和支持公司的知识管理和学习解决方案 • 参与并协调其他内部数字化项目 • 完成经理交办的其他工作 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Automation Supervisor/电厂仪电主管 1 本科 6k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have bachelor’s degree or equivalent. • You have working experience in power plant • You have deep knowledge in high voltage electrical area • You are fluency in both Chinese and English, reporting and presentation skills • You have strong planning skill • You have ability to lead a team What you’ll do • Lead AEU team EHS management • Lead automation maintenance within E&U department • Lead AEU team management and competency development • Lead High voltage power system management • Conduct E&U maintenance planning coordination • Be contact person with authority for power plant automation and high voltage power system technical issue • Give automation technical support for energy saving issue 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Automation Engineer/电厂仪电工程师 1 本科 10k 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望你具备: •大学本科及其以上的学历 •2年以上电气自动化工作经验, 如果你是优秀的应届毕业生亦可 •英语四级水平 你将负责: •你需要进行日常仪电MCC、马达、现场控制设备缺陷的处理 •你会参与照明维修/在线标记维护与日常缺陷处理 •你会负责电子秤的校验与维护和FGD维修工作 •主管安排的其它工作 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 工务培训生(机电或自动化方向) 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: • 本科学历,机电一体化或自动化相关专业 • 具有一定的英语读写能力,通过CET-4 ,熟悉办公自动化工具 • 熟悉网络基本知识 • 了解机械基础部件功能,看懂机械设计原理图 • 熟悉电气回路符号,能简单读懂设备电气原理图纸 • 了解西门子PLC(STEP 7 300/400)控制系统及其它产品 • 了解变频器,伺服控制器控制原理及应用 您的主要工作内容: • 根据SOP操作流程执行现场的安装、维护和服务任务 • 根据设备机械,电气原理图,系统控制原理,解决自动化设备重复疑难问题 • 定期检查以评估维修要求及改善建议 • 跟踪并记录自动化设备运行数据,建立设备数据跟踪信息包 • 开展自动化设备课题小组学习讨论 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Finance Intern/财务实习生 1 本科 22-23/小时 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com 我们希望您具备: • 本科及以上学历 • 财税相关专业或计算机信息管理专业 • 英语六级及以上 您的主要工作内容: - 会计凭证的整理及装订; - 协助发票扫描和录入; - 协调供应商及时交货事宜。 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Lab Specialist/实验室专员 1 硕士 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have master degree, majored in analytical chemistry or chemistry related. • You have at least one to three years of experience in chemical analysis or related area. • You have good laboratory hands-on skills in chemistry lab, work independently. • You have teamwork mindset, customer orientation, innovative thinking, honest, careful and patient. • You have good reading and written English. What you’ll do • Understand well of chemistry analysis on evaluation of chemicals and polymer. Good knowledge of label/PSA, pulp and papermaking technology. • Be able to initiate the new idea of method development based on customer’s demand. Work independently on research/test method development by good understanding of systematic methodology. • Be very familiar with analysis of Microscopy, FTIR, DSC, GPC, GC/HPLC-MS, etc. To offer reliable results with systematic analysis conclusion for research team by good laboratory skills. 4. Understanding and strictly following of the operation and maintenance of equipment and related standard methods. Good recording of laboratory work and honest reporting of the results. Reporting of any abnormity and nonconformity. Continued improve the customer’s satisfaction. • Contribute to lab management: contribution to lab operation team competence build-up and development, following of ISO17025 and 5S management. 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Energy Market Analyst 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com What you will do • Conduct in-depth analysis, build fundamental financial models to develop and identify business opportunities • Develop and operate our proprietary price forecasting models for the Chinese electricity market • Extract valuable information from price-relevant data (demand, production, prices, hydro optimization, etc) • Implement decision supporting tools for Changshu Mill Energy Service • Contribute in physical and financial trading operations by leveraging market insights • Contribute to UPM Energy on market insights and local market developments • Communicate with stakeholders proactively and frequently to understand the objective • Share your own views and market calls with stakeholders energetically 江苏省常熟
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Packaging Solutions Manager 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Engineering (i.e. Energy, Electrical, Physics) or in Economics • You have good understanding of physical power network, electricity pricing mechanism and energy landscape in China • You are innovative, conceptual, flexible and you have creative mindset • You are a fast mover and an effective team player • You have good project management skills • You have a proactive can-do attitude with focus on business objectives, analytical and problem-solving skills (quantitative modelling of physical power assets and markets) • You have ability to communicate clearly and concisely with both technical and nontechnical personnel to influence decisions and plans • You are accountable, you have self-leadership skills and you are willing to learn • You are fluent in English and Chinese What you will do •Develop sales, margin, AV and mix in line with the targets by facilitating end user pull for UPM Raflatac products and services •Work close together with the local sales team in order to transform end user opportunities into concrete sales at label printers •Explore new business opportunities within the focus end use areas and provide product consultancy and training upon end user needs •Plan, lead and follow up on meetings with end users in own focus end use area •Drive the delivery of the actions to develop business in their focus end use area •Communicate with end users about UPM Raflatac offer and help drive new products and offer development •Involve relevant parts of the organization, including Sales Team and SBUs, to support end user activity •Provide market and business intelligence on end user information and requirements 上海市上海市
芬欧汇川(中国)有限公司 Senior Specialist, Marketing & Communications 1 本科 面议 13862349018 monica.zhou@upm.com Who you are • You have bachelor’s degree or equivalent. • You have working experience in power plant • You have deep knowledge in high voltage electrical area • You are fluency in both Chinese and English, reporting and presentation skills • You have strong planning skill • You have ability to lead a team what you will do • Proactively work with regional sales team as marketing business partner to drive business growth and customer engagement. • Work closely with regional sales team to better understand sales / customer needs • Based on sales/customer understanding, propose value added marketing & communication initiatives in digital and traditional channels • Based on sales/customer understanding, optimize sales collaterals and create content for effective customer engagement • Be region focal to coordinate content and campaign timeline from customer experience perspective • Be budget owner of region marketing and create KPIs to visualize business impact • Effective and efficient customer engagement through digital/media/F2F campaigns • Actively build new and maintain existing digital channels for effective customer engagement, including but not limited to Pardot / LinkedIn / MyRaflatac etc • Actively build new and maintain existing media channels for effective customer engagement, including mainstream / end-user / industry media matrix management • Well balance digital/media campaign with F2F engagement, including customer day, exhibitions per local needs • Local channel owner, including association and other 3rd party partners • Work with team to build up region brand featuring sustainability differentiation · Be sustainability ambassador to promote global concept to local regions with aligned message · Team work to develop local sustainability content adaption and manage campaign • Close collaboration with team for GTM campaigns in focused segments · From customer experience journey to proactively plan campaign timeline and ensure content consistency · Team work with SBU marketing team esp in channel collaboration • Active contributor and team player in Global SHR community 上海市上海市





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